Movimiento Científico (ISSN 2011-7191; e-ISSN 2463-2236) Journal aims to disseminate Articles of Research and Innovation Articles research, reflection or review products; Short articles; Case reports; Subject revisions or essays; Letters to the editor; Editorials; Translations and bibliographic reviews that contribute to strengthen and ground the Human Body Movement as a multidimensional and multidisciplinary field closely related to human health, public health, collective health, the environment and human development, among others. Thus, Movimiento Científico Journal, it seeks to communicate and disseminate the results of robust research processes, contributing to the construction and transformation of high-quality scientific knowledge, generating social impact on the problems related to human body movement.
The journal is aimed at academics, researchers and professionals interested in current issues and the results of scientific and research activity in the field of Human Body Movement and Public Health; The Journal adheres to the Code of conduct and good practices for publishers of scientific journals proposed by the Publications Ethics Committee (COPE: Publications Ethics Committee). Published works may be written in Spanish or English languages.
In order to evaluate the quality of the articles published, the Journal complies with a selection process by the Editor and the editorial and scientific Committee, evaluation and peer comments. The arbitration process for each of the articles proposed for publication in the Journal is carried out double blind and is a transparent process always seeking excellence in the quality of publications, freedom of expression by researchers or authors, the scientific and academic integrity of the content of the articles to be published. If necessary, the Journal will publish corrections, clarifications, errata, retractions and apologies.
Published articles should be aware that there are no conflicts of interest or that the results specified to the readers are free from injections in the connections or pressures of any type of institutions or estates.
In case of controversies between recommendations or evaluation by references and the position of the authors, the Editorial and Scientific Committee or the Editor will ask the authors for valid ethical and scientific arguments that will refute the evaluation received; followed by this the editorial and scientific committee or the editor performs an analysis of the related arguments, the report is made with the evaluations and recommendations of the protocols and by consensus, always seeking excellence in the quality of the publications sometimes, will proceed to make the final decision and notify the authors.
The Journal Movimiento Científico is an open access magazine, so that both the editorial process and the published contents are available to all users free of charge: the Magazine does not charge for reading or publishing. Users can make use of the contents published in the Magazine or make links to the full texts, as long as the original source is referenced.
Users can make use of the contents published in the Journal or make links to the full texts, as long as the original source is referenced.
Institucional Editorial 

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